Community Tables
As a gesture of goodwill to the community, the Floral Park Home & Garden Tour will make available a limited number of 6’ tables for local non-profit or service organizations on a space-available basis. The organization and the materials provided to the public must be non-denominational, non-partisan, generally available to the public, and not in conflict with the interests of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association and its residents. The application for community table space at the Floral Park Home & Garden Tour will become an agreement between the organization and Floral Park Neighborhood Association (FPNA) upon signature by the organization and acceptance by the FPNA’s representative. Determination of the suitability of this request is at the sole discretion of the FPNA Home Tour Committee.
Community table spaces are limited and assigned in a specified area at the sole discretion of the FPNA Home Tour Committee. Space is limited to the number of 6’ tables made available by the FPNA and may need to be shared. A maximum of two representatives from each organization may staff the tables. Refreshments / samples are not allowed at community tables and no items can be sold. If flyers are left at the tables, a representative from the group must be present. Decorum at community tables must be consistent with a family oriented neighborhood event.
If you are interested in having a Community table space, please email Richard Silva at